Life Groups

"As Iron Sharppens Iron, so one man sharppens another."
-Proverbs 27:17-

Bible Study

Sunday 9:00am - 10:00am

Life groups, also known as small groups or Sunday school, are how we experience life together. We have classes for every walk of life. For one hour a week we gather together to study the Bible and fellowship.

Birth through High school Life Groups

Classes Avalible

Adults (18-30)
Young Adults | Cory Tucker
COED, 18-25
Preschool Building Upstairs, far west side

Common Ground | Drew Ley & Julie Rogers
COED, 25-40
Room A-116

Adults (31-50)
Warriors | Ricky Scales & John Bruce
COED, All Ages
Room C- 201

Journey |  Stephen Mackey
COED, All Ages
Room C-215

G.I.F.T. | Luke Robin
Married, 31-50
Room C-203

Promises | Kenny Knotts & Dale Roach
COED, 40+
Preschool Building C-207

Adults (51+)
Encouragers | Tom Hopkins
COED, All Ages

Disciples | Bill Mackey & Jayne Mackey
COED, 45+

Naomi | Linda White
Ladies, 40-60

Grace | Jo Jernigan & Betty Spencer
Ladies, 60+

Hope | Diane Smith
Ladies, 65+

Ruth | Sara Murphy
Ladies, 70+

David | Dave Thompson & Duane Huddleston
Men, 65+

Agape | Donna Gray
Ladies, All Ages

Pastor’s Class | Vicki Harper
COED, All Ages
Fellowship Hall

Mingles | Julie Frederick

Seekers | Karen Johnson
COED, 40+

Legacy | Bobby Marlow
COED, 40+

Lydia | Debbie Whittington

Sign up for a small group

We'd love to get you connected to a small group in your area. Fill out the form below to get started.

Small groups help people grow in their faith and build community. Our groups take place throughout the week in different neighborhoods, so use this form to find a group that's right for you. We'd love to have you join us!