Sardis: A Powerless Church (Part 10)

Sep 7, 2022    Dr. Randy Harper

The majority of churches across the world are dead churches. 70% of
Southern Baptist churches are plateaued or dead.
Nearly half of SBC churches will baptize 10 or less in a given year.
Five reasons why churches die.
(1) Success
(2) Tradition
(3) Prejudice
(4) Complaint
(5) Stop Evangelizing
Every Church Goes Through Four Stages.
Signs of Life In A Church.
(1). Attitude of Praise
(2). Atmosphere of Praying
(3). Continual Growth
(4). Contagious
(5). Biblical unity
(6). Love
(7).Effectual Prayer
When a church is more concerned about form than fire, about ritual over reality, about
the material more than the spiritual. And about what reaches the head, more than what
reaches the heart, it is dead.
BOTTOM LINE: A church lives only as its individual
Members. For The Church of Sardis to become vibrant again, Jesus issued five
(1). Wake up
(2). Strengthen
(3). Remember
(4). Obey
(5). Repent